Friday, June 1, 2018

Deluxe Bathroom Set and Easy Window

Opening up the deluxe bathroom set. No room constructed yet, but this corner room does have a fake window made from a Recollections wood embellishment, lace, skinny sticks, packaging plastic, and an image from the back of a calendar.

The scale is large but it makes for an easy window. Just add your own "glass", images, or other details.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

Large Wardrobe

A large working wardrobe with bottom drawer made from a foam sheet, poster board, paper, round craft sticks, and sticker gems.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Garden Swing v.2

Unsatisfied with the first swing, I did another.

Differences: This new one is wide enough for two adults. The metal attachments are cut from different pieces and glued into cut grooves between the skinny sticks. Jump rings were added to the chain for length since I cut it slightly shorter than I needed. Diagonal supports are smaller and more even and there is no overhang. Side supports are cut at an angle and the middle support has been raised. The space from front to back is not as deep.

Still not without its flaws, but a better swing if only because it looks more centered from the front and Mama and Papa can now swing side by side.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Garden Swing

Garden swing made from skinny sticks and necklace chain

This version wasn't entirely planned out first, so I did a lot of winging and eye-balling, resulting in parts that are off center or not quite balanced. As a swing it's functional and looks the part, but I will probably try again.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Floor Mirror

Working floor mirror made from foam sheets, poster board, reflective scrapbook paper, coffee stirrers, and sticker gems

Potted plant provided by Playmobil

Monday, January 29, 2018

Parents' Room Structure

Foam core box room with window and doorway
Made from layered poster board and plastic from packaging

The bottom room (kitchen) is slightly larger than the top bedroom because I measured it larger but had to cut it down to accommodate the amount of "wallpaper" I had. The top room is 11" across and both are 6" high making it slightly taller and wider than the starter home/cozy cottage. Outdoor papering, window/door frames, shutters, decorations etc. will probably come in due time.